
 [WBP2.01] Adding Plug-ins in Web Builder Plus

Web Builder offers additional plug-ins, such as a guest book, counter and online poll.• Guest...

 [WBP2.02] Creating Website Design

To create a design for your website, on the Overview page click the Design tab. The Design page...

 [WBP2.03] Creating and Editing Website Content in the WebBuilder

The Web Builder Plus application offers a user-friendly WYSIWYG content editor, which enables you...

 [WBP2.04] Inserting Meta Tags into HTML Code in Web Builder Plus

Some search engines, such as Alta Vista, Excite, Lycos, Yahoo and other, use "meta tags" embedded...

 [WBP2.05] Publishing Website with Web Builder Plus

To publish a website means to copy the web page files to a special directory on a web server.To...

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