
 [SQL1.01] My PHP script gives the error 'Call to undefined function: mysql_connect()'

This error is usually caused by unecessary or incorrect directives in a custom php.ini file.We...

 [SQL1.02] Possible issues with OSCommerce and MySQL5

We have been made aware that some customers may have issues with their OSCommerce installations...

 [SQL1.03] I'm getting SQL errors on MySQL 5 saying it can't find a column - but it's there!

1054 - Unknown column 'a.c' in 'on clause'This can happen if you're doing something like:SELECT *...

 [SQL1.04] My script states that the MAX_JOIN_SIZE setting in MySQL set to low. How do I increase it?

MySQL will refuse to execute select statements that process a very large number of rows. You...

 [SQL1.05] I have software that requires MySQL 4 can this be provided instead of the current version.

MySQL 4 was less compliant with ANSI SQL - this was improved in version 5 and there are many...

 [SQL1.06] Why am I getting a host blocked with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' error?

Errors such as:-Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with...

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