
 [PHP.15] How do I install Locked Area Lite?

Before you install Locked Area Lite you need to create a folder that you want to protect - this...

 [PHP2.01] How do I set permissions on files and scripts?

Doing a CHMOD (changing a file's permissions) is the setting of access privileges for a file....

 [PHP2.02] What is the path to perl?

/usr/bin/perlYou can also find information on paths to other useful programs by logging in to...

 [PHP2.03] Is PHP a CGI or Apache module?

PHP runs as a cgi at Hosting cPanel – this is because it is more secure than running it as an...

 [PHP2.04] How do I query a MySQL database from a PHP script?

Use the following outline to connect and begin querying the MySQL server from within your PHP...

 [PHP2.05] What are the correct file permissions for a PHP file?

As a general rule, the permissions of a PHP file should take one of two sets of values, either...

 [PHP2.06] I have created an include file that contains a username and password for a database. How do I prevent people from accessing that file directly?

Protecting PHP IncludesIn order to create a PHP file that is inaccessible from the WWW, please...

 [PHP2.07] What are the maximum file upload and timeout settings for PHP, and can I change these?

You can change these parameters using a php.ini (or php4.ini if you are using PHP4) file. Simply...

 [PHP2.08]Can I override php.ini settings?

Some variables in the php.ini file can be overwritten, you can do this creating a php.ini file in...

 [PHP2.09] Does Hosting cPanel support Image::Magick?

Does Hosting cPanel support Image::Magick?

 [PHP2.10] Can you set "register_globals" to ON in PHP for me?

Such a global change to the php.ini config is a well known security risk and affects all other...

 [PHP2.12] Can PHP5/PHP4 code be put in files with the .html/htm file extension?

It is possible to run php code in .html files by adding the following to a .htaccess...

 [PHP2.13] Can I connect to a MSSQL database from my linux shared hosting account?

Yes, you can connect to MSSQL databases through PHP5 via the ms_sql extension and the ms_sqli...

 [PHP2.14] How do I use short open tags in my php scripts?

Short open tags are turned off in php5 scripts by default.To get your php5 scripts to work you...

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