
 [CPN1.01] I'm trying to upload a large file onto my webspace, and the file manager inside the Hosting cPanel v7.5 Control Panel won't let me. Why?

This is due to the nature of the web based FTP used, and your browser/ISP connection timing out...

 [CPN1.02] On accessing the control panel, the error "for security reasons your session has expired" is displayed?

There are a few reasons why the session expiry error is displayed when accessing the Hosting...

 [CPN1.03] File Manager session expiry errors

In order to keep your files secure against various threats, File Manager requires that your...

 [CPN1.04] Why am I getting a 550 error when trying to create folders in file manager?

This suggests a permissions problem related to the creation of the account. You should contact...

 [CPN1.05] I've uploaded files to File manager but cannot see them, they were recently visible. What's happened?

File manager has a 5mb memory limit which restricts the number of files that can be displayed if...

 [CPN1.06] I am having problems uploading via the File Manager.

The File Manager makes use of Adobe Flash technology, and requires Flash Player 10 for full...

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