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Categories 9 CGI Scripts 34 Databases 28 Dedicated Servers 1 DNS 15 Domains 5 eCommerce 79 eMails 27 FTP 1 General Issues 1 MX Records 1 Nameservers 28 Other 104 Scripting 254 Web Hosting Control Panel 9 Web Resources 8 Web Stats & Logs 11 Web Tools 8 Website Help and Diagnostics 4 Windows Hosting Categories CGI Scripts (9) Databases (34) Dedicated Servers (28) DNS (1) Domains (15) eCommerce (5) eMails (79) FTP (27) General Issues (1) MX Records (1) Nameservers (1) Other (28) Scripting (104) Web Hosting Control Panel (254) Web Resources (9) Web Stats & Logs (8) Web Tools (11) Website Help and Diagnostics (8) Windows Hosting (4) [EML4.33] How can I access my webmail 10 Ways to access your eMails. We understand that sometimes our users face problems in accessing emails and these problems range from email error messages to just not liking the user interface. Here are 10 different ways to access your same emails on our servers. You can choose the one you prefer or use all of them on different session logins or simultaneously. It really doesnt matter because its the same emails but from different interfaces. NOTE that in all instances, your login will still remain the same as your complete email eg or PART A: General Login Options OPTION 1. Standard linkYou can use the standard: to access your email. This is the default link that comes embeded on your new hosting account Option 2. Your Domain LinkOnce your domain is registered and your site is working, then you can simply use: where domain is your domain name. eg if your domain is,then you can access your emails by typing Option 3. Our Domain LinkIn case you cant remember using any of the above, you can simply stick to our preconfigured email domain link that will work for any account ie Option 4. Through The Control PanelWhen we set up your new hosting account, we must have sent you the welcome email containing all the login information for your domain, FTP and control panel etc. Login to the control panel and click on the Login To Webmail icon next to the Mail Boxes icon under the Email tab. This will give you an option to login to your email without requiring a password. NOTE that you will be able to login to any other emails already setup under that domain. PART B: Custom Login Options Our control panel also comes with email scripts that can be installed if for some reason you do not like the above interfaces or scripts. You would need to first install the script inside your control panel as detailed below. Option 5. Squirrel MailThe first is called Squirrel Mail and is found under the CGI scripts category tab within the webhosting control panel. You need to login to your Hosting control panel (Refer to the welcome email we sent you that contains all the login information). Click to install the email script under a folder of your chosen name. We usually name it smail (this folder should not exist as it will be created automatically during the one click install) and the access becomes As an example, if your domain is, then after installing Squirrel mail, your access link becomes: Option 6. Round Cube MailRound cube mail is exactly the same as Squirrel mail above except for some small differences. You install the script through the same way and its located under the CGI scipt tab. Preferrably install it into a folder called rmail (this folder should not exist as it will be created automatically during the one click install). If for example your domain is then access would be: Roundcube also requires an additional login section called Server. Simply retype your domain with mail. at the beginning. For our example, this would be PART C: Outlook Login Option Option 7. Through OutlookOutlook is another option which extracts your emails from our servers to your Desktop/Laptop computer running Microsoft Office Outlook. Your incoming and outgoing servers are both where domain is your domain name. Details for configuring outlook are provided here: Help Site PART D: Third Party eMail Clients Login Option There are other third party email scipts/ websites that offer free email access. You can search for them through google. Nothing is for free so the disc space is limited plus they offer their own adverts inside your account. Note that although they use their different interface to display your emails, they are still accessing your emails from your account within our servers. 2 examples of these are: Option 8. eMol eMail ClientA free third party email client. Access is through: Option 9. Mail2Web eMail ClientA free third party email client. Access is through: NOTE that mail2web also requires a third login section called server. Simply type mail. as a prefix to your domain ie if your domain is PART E: Custom Coded Login Option Option 10. Website LinkThis is a consolidation of all the above options but hard coded into your website. Instead of typing all the above options or having to first login to your control panel etc, you can simply embed the above link(s) into a menu button on your website. The link can be called Webmail or eMail etc and can contain either 1 or all of them Was this answer helpful? Yes No Print this Article Also Read [EML3.03] Can I use my Microsoft Exchange server for email? Yes, if your Exchange server has a static (non-changing) IP address and you know what it is. To... [EML4.04] Email Sending Limits Below are the usage details for the various methods of using our systems to send email:- Webmail:... 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