[EML1.07] How do I setup Junk Mail Filters

Junk mail filters use special technology to strip out junk mail before you receive it. You can also set an email address to send the junk mail to, so that you can check this address to ensure only junk mail is being caught.

You can apply junk mail filters on a per domain basis or on per email address basis.

Please note that even though Junk Mail Filters uses sophisticated technology no system of this kind is fool-proof, some real messages may be classified as junk mail so we would suggest you check your junk mail box for real messages at regular intervals.

  1. Log into your hosting control panel (http://cpanel.pfphosts.net/login.cgi) with the login details sent to you
  2. Under the eMail section, click on Junk Mail Filters
  3. Enter email address to protect,enter address to Foward Junk Mail to, Select Subject
  4. Update
  5. Enter domain to protect,enter address to Forward Junk Mail to, Select Subject
  6. Update
  7. Enter domain filter level

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